I read a lot of blogs, and one of the memes echoing from wall to wall out there on the blogosphere originates from a book written by an Australian nurse called ‘The Top Five Regrets of the Dying’. Having spent years working in palliative care she shared the longings of the departing which were then summarised neatly in a Guardian article published under the same name.

Given that the market is so aimless right now, but everyone seems so busy, I’ve grown reflective of the some of the things that are important in life and why it is that we avoid them. So much of life is, as Warren Buffett often describes investing, ‘simple but not easy’ and the odd character of the five regrets is that they are so obvious, yet so commonly ignored.

  1. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.
  2. I wish I hadn’t worked so hard.
  3. I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.
  4. I wish I’d stayed in touch with my friends.
  5. I wish I had let myself be happier.

Take that fishing trip?

It might seem strange coming from the founder of an investment website to say this, but the truth is that investing just isn’t that important - certainly not to make those sacrifices. Jesse Livermore once said ‘There is a time to buy, a time to sell, and a time to go fishing’ but it seems so few of us ever take the fishing trip. If only we were able to step back from our daily obsessions maybe we wouldn’t suffer the same fate as those souls now departed. There’s a cost to everything, and the cost of working so hard can be lost friendships, stress and missing out on doing the things you really love to do. The grail we should all be after is to find ways to simplify our work and investing processes to reach a point of maximum effectiveness for the time spent, not over-reaching for the extra yards which eventually show their cost in other parts of our lives.

James Montier is one of my favourite investment writers who has waxed so eloquently about the travails and delusions of investors. He has shown time and again that most of the work that we do is…

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