Hyperdynamics (AMEX:HDY) is a US listed oil exploration company with a market capitalisation about $200 million. Its only asset is an exploration licence offshore Guinea in West Africa. This looks very interesting but is at a very early stage of the exploration lifecycle. Dana Petroleum recently farmed in to 23%.

There was news out yesterday that the initial drilling programme has just been agreed by the JV partners and the Government of Guinea - 2 firm wells and one contingent - drilling starts Q4 2011. See news release for details.

I interpret the agreement, and its timing, as Dana doing the decent thing by its JV partner and firming up its contractual obligations ahead of the likely takeover by KNOC, so that the Koreans can't subsequently pull the rug from under HDY's feet. Good for Dana.

Guinea is very under-explored compared with the rest of West Africa. Just one well has been drilled in the past in the entire offshore area. The back story here is that Guinea has been plagued by political instability with military coups, mad dictators and the kind of excess and repression one associates with Graham Greene or Frederick Forsyth. Amazingly the last mad dictator's death - he was murdered by his own head of security in revenge for being framed for a massacre of political opponents - was not followed by the expected bloodbath. Instead the head of the army organised a transfer of power to a civilian administration led by an opposition figure. Proper elections have followed. There seems to have been a genuine transformation.

This changes the situation in which Hyperdynamics is operating. It's still a completely unexpored frontier from the perspective of the oil industry but the political/economic/commercial backdrop is vastly improved. The level of corruption has reduced very significantly. There is a substantial opportunity for the development of  a local gas market.

Geological studies, oil seeps and so on are all promising when taken in the context of other nearby countries' exploration histories. Initial seismic has been collected and interpreted - admittedly in a hurry when a relinquishment date was brought forward unexpectedly - but it has produced ecouraging results.

The technical background is explained in a very useful article in E&P Magazine. At time of writing, 3D seismic is currently being processed over some of the best leads to enable selection of…

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