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The Stockopedia Charts Guide

Create, annotate, save and share your own technical analysis studies.

The Stockopedia Charts GuideView this report

Everything you need to get started with Stockopedia Charts.

A subscription to includes one of the most powerful and accessible charting and technical analysis packages on the web. In this Guide we'll explain how you can use it to make better investment decisions. You'll learn how to:

  • load shares and customise the Chart View.

  • compare the performance of multiple shares on a single chart.

  • add TA studies as overlays and indicators to any Chart.

  • add company events and portfolio transactions as event flags.

  • save annotations, drawings, lines and shapes to any chart.

  • save your chart settings as 'Templates' for future use.

Created by

Alex Naamani
CEO of Stockopedia
Ed Croft
CEO of Stockopedia
Ben Hobson