Photo of Effortless Cool
Photo of Effortless Cool

Effortless Cool

Company Director

  • Joined 21 May 2015
  • 9 posts


Investor with over 30 years experience.

Insurance CEO. Former FTSE-250 CFO.

Target +15% IRR (+10.3% IRR achieved 1 January 2015 - 31 January 2024).

  •    2015: +20.7%
  •    2016: +7.0% (rescued by a good December)
  •    2017: +34.5% (just one down month)
  •    2018: -1.2% (having been 16.8% up at end-July)
  •    2019: +44.0% (+18.7% in January - my best month ever)
  •    2020: -5.2% (down 24.4% in March alone!)
  •    2021: +29.0% (+22.5% in April - my new best month ever)
  •    2022: -17.3% (down every month from January to September)
  •    2023: +2.9% (7th February loss in nine years)
  •    2024: -1.7%

Investment strategy

Long-term buy-and-hold investor.

Focussed on fundamentals. Look to achieve competitive advantage through detailed analysis of selected small caps.

Willing to take large positions (>20% of portfolio) in best ideas.